Would you rather?
Only be able to ask for a promotion in the sauna
Read the Heineken 2016 Sustainability Report
😓 Steamy choice.
But there are easier ways to breathe deeply 🙇🏼
That’s why in the US alone we’ve reduced CO2 emissions by 21.5% since 2011.
Which is more CO2 than every single vehicle 🚙 in New York City 🗽 puts out in three whole months.
Wanna see how, or are you too busy wiping steam off your glasses?
Would you rather?
Shower with a porcupine
Read the Heineken 2016 Sustainability Report
🙄 Seriously?
That's a shame
Cuz there are definitely better ways to save water 💦
Believe us. We use 28% less of it globally than we did in ‘08
It takes the entire American 🇺🇸 adult population 🙋🏿 120 days 📅 to drink that much water
Wanna see how, or are you too busy looking for the tweezers? 🙇🏽
Would you rather?
Every time you mute a conference call it goes to speakerphone
Read the Heineken 2016 Sustainability Report
😵 Careful
Cause you can’t take back what you put out.
But we can.
That’s why in the US 78% of our bottles’ glass is recycled ♻️
Now that’s some trash talk 🗑 we can get behind.
Wanna see how, or are you too busy drafting that apology email?
Would you rather?
Always have an orange spray tan
Read the Heineken 2016 Sustainability Report
🌞 Brave.
But there are better ways to get picked up 🤵🏼
That’s why in 2016 we gave out over 100,000 safe rides home across the country.
Racing legend 🏎 Sir Jackie Stewart put it best:
When you drive, never drink.
Wanna learn more, or are you too busy posing as a parking cone?
We’re out of lolz, champ. Why not check out where all these nifty facts came from?